Monday, October 5, 2009

Quickest Way to Lose Weight Naturally - Best Weight Loss For Women!

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight Naturally - Best For Women!Fast weight loss diet, learn how to lose weight fast and fast lose weight diet, free weight loss diet plans and quick weight loss tips.
In today's society, the biggest turn off for men is overweight women. Women feel that the quickest way to lose weight naturally is to diet. It may seem to be the easiest and quickest way to lose weight.
However, it is not that simple. Along the way, you will have the urge to eat and you have to eat. You must never starve yourself that is the queen of mistakes that women make!
The better approach is to increase your activity. One way is to exercise. You can start without the gym. The following are some suggestions you can do.
  • Jumping Jacks (For 1 minute)
  • Squats (15 to 20 times or 30)
  • Push-Ups (Do the women style as many as you can)
  • Jog on the spot making your foot hit your butt (1 minute)
  • Lay flat on the floor on stomach with hands stretched out to the side, and then lifts your legs and chest off the floor. Hold for 30 seconds and about 15 to 20 times
  • High Knees, jog on the spot, lifting your knees as high as you can for 1 minute
  • Lunges. With your feet flat on the floor, step forward with alternating feet (repeat about 15 to 20 times)
  • Side Bending about 20 times for each direction
  • Wall Squat. Begin by squatting against a wall with your back leaning flat on the wall. Do this as long as you can
These exercises are the quickest way to lose weight for women. Never drink cold or carbonated drinks after exercising. Drink fruit juices instead. The next thing you might want to do is to cut down on fried food. This is to be highly avoided in order to lose your waistline.
Next is about eating. The problem with most girls is that they love food so much that they couldn't stop eating. I am going to teach you how you can feel fully bloated REALLY fast without having to eat much.
Follow these tips when you are eating:
Eat slowly
One way to lose weight quickly is to eat slowly. Research shows that in average, human need just 20 minutes to feel full. So eat slowly.
Chew more
When you chew more, it will not only helps in eating slowly but also helps to digest your food quickly.
Drink water
To help you slow down even more, you should drink water in the middle of the meal. Do it a couple of times. Water will really helps to feel full. Since water has no fat, you do not need to worry about being it making you fat.
Lastly, you will need to increase you metabolism. You will need a supplement for this. There are many supplements to help you increase your metabolism, but the quickest way to lose weight is Resveratrol. It not only increase metabolism and lose weight but it will also helps in anti-aging which is why a lot of women love it.
You can get resveratrol for free by answering a riddle at This Website. If you answer the riddle correctly, you will be given access to free resveratrol trial. It is an easy riddle and worth

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